Coincidentally, I asked kind of a similar question on Arqade just a few hours before, though, in my case, for the lack questions around a very specific topic, rather than the whole site. The moderator @badp replied:
The kind of question seeding we frown upon the hardest is the
systematic one, as in a bunch of largely identical questions that
differ slightly (e.g. asking "how can I obtain an X" for every item in
an RPG). Either phrase the question more generally, or only ask for
values of X that you actually are struggling/have struggled with.
I side with this advice myself. For example, asking the BTU range for an IPA, then for a double IPA, then for a Pale Ale, and so on in separate questions, would be suspect. Instead, I'd encourage either (1) asking generally in a manner that seeks to answers some central curiosity of all these questions, or (2) asking about one or two kinds of beer due to genuine interest.
An even better example is when we discussed brand- or region-specific questions on this site. Questions like "Where can I find <beer> in <location>?" aren't great questions to spawn for the sake of increasing questions—they're often too specialized to help any future visitor. But when someone asks because they're genuinely having trouble finding a beer (and we seem to get this often from people who go abroad and can't get their hands on a beer they used to get at home), then we welcome the question. @MonicaCellio pretty much sums it up:
Limiting it to questions people actually care about should mitigate the fear of flooding the site with trivial questions. On the other hand, barring all of them just because some could be abusive, with our current question rate, seems unwise.
All this may very well be obvious to you, so maybe I haven't provided much of an answer. So to answer in another way, I'd say this:
Go for it. Just use some discretion and common sense as you go along. If you're unsure about a post, then bump it to the bottom of your list and come back to it. If you're still unsure, try asking just the question and letting someone else respond, at least for 24 or 48 hours, before you self-answer. If your posts start looking a little spammy or gratuitous, @Xander and I will keep this conscientious meta post in mind, and let you know in a comment. If you get downvoted by others, you have this meta post to reference in defense (but perhaps the downvotes are also an objective indicator of how your questions sound to the community). In any case, the worst that can happen is you delete a few questions. I'm all for having more questions on the site.
Welcome to Beer.SE, and thank you for your desire to participate at this level!